By now Sid had mostly managed to put herself back together, as she sat with her back against the headboard and held Bella in her arms. This affection had been mostly forced upon her, with Bella insistent on cuddling up to her, leaving the Malkavian with no comfortable position to rest her arms aside from leaving them wrapped around the other girl. But she did have to admit, it wasn’t an entirely unpleasant experience. Isabelle had latched on to Sid with her face nestled against her pale neck, occasionally planting a gentle kiss upon it and quietly giggling to herself. Meanwhile, Sid would somewhat awkwardly pat at her back in response, while fiddling around with the tangles in Isabelle’s hair. She was having a hard time figuring out how exactly she felt about this whole situation. For one, she wasn’t even convinced that she liked girls. She’d never considered it in any serious manner up until this point, and was relatively convinced that she was entirely straight. But straight girls don’t usually let their female friends fingerfuck them, and they especially don’t end up having one of the most intense climaxes of their lives from it. Secondly, Bella was… Weird. They shared a few interests here and there, but in many regards, the two were complete opposites. Bella was loud, annoying, and mostly incompetent — but she had an odd charm, in her own special way. It was strangely relaxing to be around her, seeing her going about without a care in the world, just happy to be there. She envied that optimism in a way, and how she’d managed to hold on to the spark that Sid had seemed to lose some time ago. But sometimes when she was around her, she was almost able to pretend like she still had it, even if only for a few moments. Sid caught herself in the middle of the thought, shaking herself out of the daze and bringing her focus back to reality. ‘Great, now I’m getting all sappy, too.’, she thought to herself. There was so much to unpack here, things that Sid would rather save thinking about until later. Or better yet, avoid thinking about them entirely. She took a glance down at Isabelle, who was still snuggled up to her in a somewhat awkward pose — this position wasn’t exactly well-suited to their difference in height. But Bella didn’t seem to mind, nor was she experiencing any of the same internal conflicts Sid was going through. In fact, Isabelle looked to be on cloud nine, absolutely ecstatic about tonight’s events, and happily relaxing in the aftermath. Sid decided to try taking a page out of her book. She leaned her head back and attempted to relax the tenseness in her body, gently running her hand up and down along Bella’s back as she let out a sigh. The mattress they were sat on was actually fairly comfortable, at least compared to the ones Sid was used to, and while Isabelle was bony and jagged all over, her slim form was at least easy to hold on to. The soaking wet panties she still had on were a bit of an annoyance, but aside from that, she found herself relatively cosy. It was hard to keep track of how long they had been sat in silence for, but after some unknown amount of time, Bella’s voice would finally perk up once again. “Siiiiiid?” She chirped, her tone conveying some kind of bashful curiosity over something. Sid responded with a simple “Yes?”, looking down towards Isabelle as she withdrew her face from her neck. “You know how I, like… Did all of that stuff to you just now?” Sid already has a suspicion of where this was going, but she allowed Bella to keep talking regardless, “Yes, Bella… What about it?” “D… Do you think you could maybe… Do it back?” The Malkavian went quiet, glancing off to the side and then back at her again as she tried to think about it. “I-If you don’t want to, that’s fine!” Bella began to stutter, that complete lack of assertiveness showing itself once again. Even just working up the courage to ask her had taken her this long. “It just.. Looked really fun.. And, uh.. I.. I dunno…” She began to trail off, falling into a nervous silence once again. Letting Bella do that to her was one thing, but doing it back to her was different. Beforehand, she’d had to do nothing more than lay there and order her around a little. Taking the active role in the situation felt a lot more — for lack of a better word — gay. It’s not like there was zero temptation to go along with it, but it felt like a pretty big step up that made Sid unsure and hesitant. She stared down at Isabelle, silently examining the look on her face for a few moments. She was giving her those stupid puppy dog eyes again, and it was starting to have an effect on her. The first thought to cross her mind was ‘She’s so pathetic.’, followed shortly by ‘She’s so cute.’. Sid let out a long sigh, leaning her head back and staring up at the ceiling for a moment, before finally giving Bella the answer she was so hopeful to hear. “Fiiiine. Might as well.” Bella could hardly contain her excitement at this, immediately jolting up with a huge grin on her face. Sid kept whatever enthusiasm she had hidden away, slowly shifting forward on the bed to bring herself closer to Bella again. Isabelle’s excitement remained clear, although the nerves would clearly start to creep in once more as she asked, “..So, uh… How should we… Yknow..?” Sid glanced her up and down, thinking for a moment. Bella was sat on her knees with her hands on her lap, giving off the energy of a dog just barely able to stay patient when waiting for a treat. After she’d thought about it, Sid shifted around once again to assume what seemed like a fairly convenient position. She sat behind Bella and leaned in gently against her back, wrapping her left arm loosely around her torso. “This work for you?” Sid asked, trying not to sound too unsure herself. Bella could barely contain her excitement now, staring straight ahead and just barely managing to squeak out an “Uh huh.” “Do you wanna… Take your shorts off first?” “Oh, uh, right!” Bella reached her shaky hands down to her waist, beginning to fumble with the button and the zip on her black denim shorts. There was a good deal of hesitation from her, before she was urged along by a light tapping from Sid’s hand. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband, awkwardly beginning to shuffle the clothing down along her legs, leaving them just past her knees. Bella had every right to be embarrassed about taking them off, as Sid raised an eyebrow and let out something between a laugh and a scoff as she looked down at what was underneath. “Bella… Are you fucking five?” She spoke through the condescending chuckling, staring at the Sonic the Hedgehog boxer-briefs Bella was wearing. Isabelle felt her whole body flush with heat as she tried to protest the teasing, “S-Siiiid, shut up!” She whined, “I just..- shut up!” She was unable to come up with much in the way of a defence, instead simply repeating her complaints. “Okay, okay…” Sid said, slowly beginning to stifle her laughter. She couldn’t help but ask, though, “...But why boxers?” “..They’re cozy.” Bella spoke meekly, having hunched over a little in embarrassment. Sid couldn’t help but feel a little bad for her once again, placing her chin on the Nosferatu’s shoulder and giving her another reassuring pat. “I guess it’s kinda cute… In a really lame kind of way.” Sid teased, giving one last smirk before trying to focus once again. She placed her free hand on Bella’s thigh, just at the bottom of those silly boxers. Even with that slight morale boost, as they got closer to the actual event, Sid found some uncertainty coming back to her. “So, uh… You ready?” She asked, trying to keep her tone nonchalant and unbothered. It’s not that big a deal, anyway, right? Just rubbing at her for a while, maybe saying some naughty things to help her along, simple. Once Bella had given her another nod, Sid began to shift her hand to her inner thigh, closer and closer to her crotch, as the other girl bit her lip lightly in anticipation. The first touch wasn’t very skilful, nor were the ones to come after it. In fact, Sid didn’t seem to be very good at this — or at least, she wasn’t putting any enthusiasm in to it. She awkwardly rubbed two fingers across the fabric of Bella’s boxers, right over her quickly dampening slit. The movements were robotic and uncertain, despite Sid’s best attempts to get in to it. Even though she had touched herself as many times as you’d expect a woman of her age to have, doing it to someone else was somehow entirely different. However, you would’ve had no idea that Sid was doing a terrible job based on Bella’s reaction. The moment Sid’s fingers had touched against her she’d let out a high-pitched whimper, and from that point on, the girl had immediately started letting a constant stream of moans and whines slip from her. Sid was taken aback by just how quickly she’d started to have an effect on the girl — and it’s not like she was faking it or exaggerating, either. That much was clear from just how little time it took for her to soak right through her Sonic boxers. “Huh… So, you really like this?” Sid observed, her tone being mostly neutral, but allowing a hint of curiosity to slip through. She continued her two-fingered rubbing up and down along the same spot, slowly speeding up, but still not doing much of interest. She watched Isabelle shaking and lightly bucking her hips forward, huffing and panting right next to Sid’s ear. One of the Nosferatu’s hands scrambled around for a few moments, trying to find where Sid’s other hand had gotten to. Once she’d found it, she would take hold of it, giving it a gentle squeeze as she brought it up to her lips to half-kiss it, half-use it to cover her lips in an attempt to stifle some of her moans. She thought she’d been a mess when Bella was doing this to her, but the comparison between both of their reactions was night and day. Well, at least Sid could see that this would be easier than she’d thought. Bella was squeezing tighter on to Sid’s hand now, planting needy little kisses all across the back of her palm as the whimpers and whines continued to flow. Her whole body was shaking now, as she leaned her weight against the Malkavian and allowed herself to give in to tantalizing sensation. She began bucking her hips wildly against Sid’s hand, forcing her to push her fingers more firmly against her. Just as had happened to Sid, Bella’s underwear had become so slick with her own juices that there was little resistance against her skin. Isabelle gasped, moaned and whispered incoherent words of praise to Sid as her entire body tensed up. Watching every second of this as it happened, Sid was beginning to feel something click together in her brain. Being able to see the massive effect she had on the girl as became the first person ever to touch her like this, it was… Exciting. “Fuck, Bella, you’re-” Sid began to speak in a sultry tone, before interrupted by a dawning realisation, “Wait… Did you cum already?” Bella’s moans were still continuing, but she’d quickly began to lose steam, replaced mostly by a stream of sharp gasps and heavy exhales. Her body was mostly limp as she rested back against Sid, and the girl was looking up at nothing in particular with a dreamy expression as she just about managed to push out a response. “...Haah… Ahah… Yeah…” She admitted without a hint of shame, any embarrassment that she may have had been drowned out by pure ecstasy. Sid slowly ramped down her rubbing to a halt, leaving her hand resting gently over the soaked fabric. The Malkavian rolled her eyes, finding it typical that Bella would go and do this right as she was starting to enjoy herself. But on the other hand, knowing that even her simple, awkward touches had brought this girl to such an intense climax so quickly… It was kind of adorable. “Well, I guess it can’t be helped. You are a total virgin after all…” She teased, leaning in close to Bella’s ear to follow her words up with a playful whisper, “Or rather, you were a total virgin.” This comment caused Bella to softly whine and give one last, lazy buck of her hips as the last little remnants of pleasure still swam across her body. Sid wrapped her spare arm around the girl once again, holding her close from behind and keeping her head resting on her shoulder, allowing herself to enjoy the comfort of this position. All of this had managed to clear her head up some, and while it may not have been the answer she’d expected or necessarily wanted, one thing had become pretty abundantly obvious: Sid clearly liked girls. Or at the very least, she liked this girl in particular. It was a bit of a shake-up for her, but there were probably far bigger things going on in her life for her to worry about. So whatever, she thought; might as well enjoy it. “Hey, Bella?” Sid perked up again, remaining in the same position as she spoke. “..Y..Yeah, Sid?” Bella replied, just about recovered enough from her first time to speak coherently. “Please tell me you’ve got some underwear that aren’t completely ridiculous. I really don’t wanna have to walk home in a pair of Spongebob undies tomorrow.”