~*~*~ ABSOLUTE CINEMA!!! ~*~*~

Chapter 3

It took a little while, but Sid had finally managed to clear her head and start processing what had just happened. Bella wasn’t quite there yet, continuing to do little aside from awkwardly lean her weight on to Sid and occasionally giggle to herself. “Can’t believe I just necked a nozzie...” Sid muttered to herself, before rolling her eyes and giving Bella a light pat on the head to get her attention. “Come on, Bella. It wasn’t that big a deal. You don’t have to go in to a coma over it.” Bella’s only response to this was to bring herself in closer, resting her head on Sid’s shoulder and clinging tightly to her torso. “...You’re an idiot, Bella.” Sid muttered again, letting out a long sigh as she conceded to the other girl. With a long exhale, she shifted back against the headboard, making herself comfortable as the awkward embrace continued. It seemed there was no point trying to communicate with her right now. But she may as well keep trying, even if for no other reason than to keep the room from falling into total silence again. “Don’t know about you, but that was my first time kissing another girl.” She spoke, looking down at the Nosferatu still clinging to her like a baby possum. Sid wasn’t sure whether this was endearing, pitiful or both. “Oh, who am I kidding. You’ve never kissed anyone before, have you?” The Malkavian kept her hand resting atop Isabelle’s head, lightly playing around with her messy grayish-mauve hair. “...Are you just gonna go quiet for the rest of the night, or what?” “...No.” Bella finally squeaked out a reply, finally breaking her silence. “I just don’t know what to say.” Sid rolled her eyes and looked down at her once again, “Bella, it was just a kiss. It’s not like we-… Nevermind.” She definitely didn’t need to give Bella any ideas — or herself, for that matter. “I know!” Bella exclaimed, suddenly becoming animated once again. She jolted up a little, bringing herself to eye level with the other girl, while still loosely holding on to her. “But it’s a kiss with you! And you’re soooo pretty, and you’re so cool, and you’re-… I think I really like you, Sid.” The Nosferatu had bounced back pretty quickly from being totally non-verbal to excitedly gushing over her, leaving Sid a little dazed, who simply took a moment to stare back at her, her eyebrow cocked slightly. But, as pitiful as this display was… It was oddly adorable. Maybe Sid could have some fun with it, after all. Sid’s confused expression would slowly shift, ending up as a smug smirk as she spoke back to Isabelle. “You’ve got absolutely no clue what you’re doing, do you?” She teased, lifting her hand up to brush some of Bella’s hair aside. This touch alone was enough to cause the Nosferatu to visibly shiver. “…” Bella admitted defeat near-instantly as she leaned needily in to Sid’s hand. Sid gently cupped her cheek, while using her other arm to bring her closer. Bella was now practically sitting on Sid’s lap — and, due to their notable size difference, barely fitting on it. Despite the slightly awkward positioning needed to hold a girl that was as freakishly tall as her, the Malkavian made it work. Sid lightly caressed the Nosferatu’s skin, noting that it wasn’t quite as bad as she’d been expecting. Despite all of the unsightly wilting and scarring, it had retained a certain softness that made it at least somewhat pleasant to the touch. Every single movement of her fingers seemed to draw a reaction from Bella, making her shake and shiver like an excited pet. Sid had seen people obsess over her before, people so desperate for her attention that it almost disgusted her. But this was different. There wasn’t a hint of anything predator or selfish within her — no putting up a front to gain her favour, no ulterior motives behind her words or actions. Isabelle didn’t hesitate at all to leave all of her emotions on display, even if it meant making a fool of herself, and now that she was being given the attention and affection she so desired, she was being nothing but grateful. Sid was very rarely the generous type, but there was a creeping temptation within her to give Bella the reward that she deserved. “Say, Bella…” Sid began, her tone charged with a seductive, teasing cockiness that she knew would get this loser riled up like nothing else. “You don’t wanna… Fool around some, do you?” The words made Isabelle’s ears visibly perk up, and Sid would feel the girl’s whole body nervously tense up as she processed the words. “F.. Fool around? You mean, like-” “Obviously, Bella. What else am I gonna mean?” Bella went quiet for a moment, suddenly losing her ability to keep eye contact with Sid for more than a second at a time. She was trying to push the words out, but every time her lips parted to speak, nothing more than a short breath came from them. “C’mon, spit it out.” Sid encouraged, raising her eyebrow a little, “You are gay, right?” Urged along by Sid’s words, Bella mustered up a pathetically timid squeak, “...I’ve.. never done it before.” The response took Sid off guard. It was no surprise at all that Bella was a virgin, but it was more surprising that she somehow felt it necessary to specify in the first place. “...Yeah. I know.” She stated, wondering if there was anything extra Bella had to add. “...Can we go slow?” Sid failed to hold back the immediate giggle of amusement that struck her, letting it slip past her lips as she raised a hand to cover her mouth. “You’re like a lost kitten, Bella... Yes, we can go slow.” Sid almost had to commend Isabelle — she was so terrible at this, that it somehow looped back around to being oddly charming. She moved her hand up to give the Nosferatu a reassuring pat on the head to go along with her words. Bella felt a little embarrassed from the laughing, and even though there was no blood in her to make her turn pink, she felt a phantom heat rising to the surface of her cheeks and the tips of her ears regardless. But she knew Sid wasn’t trying to be mean, and in fact, this is probably the nicest Sid had ever been to her. Her lips curved up into a smile once again, Sid’s treatment of her giving her just enough courage to keep going. “..So.. Wh..What should we do first..?” “Hmm. Good question.” Sid admitted, taking a moment to think to herself. What was a good way to start? As fun as it sounded to force her right in to the deep end, Sid worried she might actually fry the poor girl’s brain with that. And besides, Bella may be a total dyke, but Sid had never really found herself attracted to any girls before, and thus was a little out of her element here. It was probably in her own interests that they didn’t rush things too much. “...Okay, how about this?” Sid scooted up a little, freeing up some space between her and Isabelle. She took her hands off of the Nosferatu and brought them back towards herself, grabbing onto the fabric of her crop top. Shimmying her arms for a moment, she brought them through the armholes, making sure to keep a close eye on Bella’s face as she lifted the garment up over her head, and giving her full view of what was underneath. It seemed that even with her bra still in the way, it was enough to leave Bella totally stunned. The poor girl’s eyes kept darting off to the side, as though unsure if she was even allowed to look. Her bony fingers nervously fidgeted with each other, she was totally unable to sit still, and the only sound to come from her was an awkward, stunted chuckle. Sid held back a grin, reaching up to cup Bella’s chin and bring her vision on to her chest, a non-verbal confirmation that she was allowed to ogle all she liked. “You wanna see more than just this, don’t you?” Sid asked her, waiting for Bella’s response, which came in the form of a weak little nod. “Then help me get this off. Can’t have you just sitting there with that dumb look on your face the whole time.” Sid helped Bella get started, gently taking hold of both her hands and bringing them around to her back. She could feel Isabelle’s hands shaking as she found where the bra’s straps connected, struggling to release the hooks for a few moments, before she finally felt the tension in the elastic release. Isabelle took a few more moments still, not letting go of the fabric until Sid had given her a look that told her to go ahead. Once her fingers finally released it, the bra fell an inch or so away from the Malkavian’s chest. It wasn’t quite enough to reveal everything in full yet, giving Sid the satisfaction of being able to tease Bella those few extra seconds as she let the straps slide down her arms. She didn’t make her wait too long, allowing the cups of the bra to slide down enough to finally show what was underneath. Sid’s breasts weren’t the biggest in the world, but they were of respectable size and well-suited to her petite form. Like the rest of her body, they were perfectly smooth and almost paper-white in colour, retaining a slight pink hue in the area surrounding her stiff, perky nipples. Poor Isabelle was trying her best to appreciate them, but her head was spinning with nerves and excitement that were making her feel somewhat nauseous. “They’re… Th-They’re, uh…” Bella stammered, trying to find the right words in that scrambled brain of hers. As cute as it was to watch Bella stutter and stumble over her words, if she waited for her to finish speaking every time she opened her mouth, the sun would be rising before they’d even got to have any real fun. With a roll of her eyes, Sid took Bella by the wrists, guiding her hands to place them firmly on her breasts. Bella tensed for a moment, before a visible shiver of excitement travelled across the entire length of her body. “Why don’t you just show me what you think, Bella?” Sid suggested, releasing the girl’s wrists and letting her run free. Guys were always so rough with her tits, squeezing and rubbing at them as though they were mere objects, not even attached to a person. Not that Sid wasn’t capable of taking it, or was even entirely opposed to it, but it seemed like men were just incapable of learning the merits of a more careful touch every now and then. Bella, it seemed, didn’t have this problem. The way her fingers caressed her chest was tender and careful, so gently kneading her fingers against the soft, sensitive flesh in a way that Sid hadn’t gotten to experience before. There was clear curiosity in her touch, ensuring that not a single centimetre was left unexplored, but she made sure never to push, pinch or squeeze her too roughly. Even though the complete lack of experience was clear, all that soft massaging was starting to become surprisingly effective. Sid’s breath hitched a little and a few areas of her body tensed, before she allowed herself to relax fully against the headboard. Bella seemed happy to continue like this, becoming more confident in her movements, and in no rush to stop. After her own curiosities had been satisfied, the Nosferatu seemed to shift focus a little — she experimented with giving more attention to certain spots, such as gently circling her thumbs over Sid’s nipples, and attempting to gauge her reaction. Despite this being her first time, and her practically having been given full reign, she seemed more focus on trying to make it feel good for Sid than she was on herself. Not only that, but against all odds, it was actually starting to work. Sid let out a low mewl of pleasure, unable to stop the sound before it slipped out. She hadn’t even noticed it until now, but she’d started gently pushing her thighs together, subconsciously grinding them against each other with excitement. She returned her focus to the Nosferatu, who was staring her down with a huge, toothy grin on her face. “..A..Alright, no need to look so smug, Bella.” Bella’s expression quickly changed to one of confusion upon hearing that. “..Smug? Wh-.. No, no!” She exclaimed, genuine surprise in her tone. “That’s not what I-, it’s just-… A-Am I doing a good job..?” Sid blinked a few times at her, briefly looking her up and down. Another little snicker broke through her expression, before she gave a little sigh and admitted, “Yes, you’re doing good. Keep it up, and maybe I’ll let you kiss me again.” Having given that little encouragement, the Malkavian relaxed back fully once again and let Bella get back to work. She lifted her arms up behind her head and closed her eyes, deciding to enjoy the free massage to its fullest. Soon enough, Isabelle’s hands began to drift from her chest and slowly start exploring elsewhere. She brought her hands down gently across Sid’s sides, taking the time to appreciate and enjoy every inch of that smooth, pale skin. She gently reached around to massage along her back, and briefly up along her arms. Slowly but surely, Sid found herself relaxing in a way that didn’t come to her very often. The same kind of relaxed sensation that her muscles usually only experienced for a brief few seconds before she entered her daily sleep. It continued on for a while, before something would stir her back in to focus again — a soft sensation, pecking lightly against her chest. The girl opened one eye to take a look, and was met with the sight of Bella, slightly hunched over, and ever-so-gently pressing her lips to Sid’s chest. “B-Bella!” Sid blurted out, clearly taken by surprise. Bella tensed up and froze in place, lips still cupped lightly over one of her nipples. After a moment, she pulled back slightly, with the same wide-eyed, unsure expression you’d see from a dog that’s just been caught doing something bad. “I-Is this too far..?” Bella asked, the worry clear in her voice along with the complete lack of assertiveness. She didn’t want to do anything that had made Sid uncomfortable, especially not without having asked if it was okay first. Sid looked down at her for a few moments, taking in the look on her face. Bella could look so pathetic sometimes, but it was becoming so strangely adorable. Like a sopping wet puppy left out in the rain. Sid couldn’t help but feel bad for her. “It’s fine, Bella.” She stated, lightly petting her hair for a moment with another sigh. “I just wasn’t expecting it… Do whatever you want, I don’t care.” The sensation of Sid’s hand gently caressing the top of her head immediately seemed to relax the anxious Nosferatu, and it brought a dumb, satisfied little giggle from past her lips. Slowly, she’d begin to crane her neck forward until her lips touched against Sid’s torso once more. Sid continued to run her fingers through the other girl’s hair as the feeling of Bella’s soft tongue dragging lightly over her nipple caused her to give up a light, but noticeable shiver of pleasure. This caused a second, more energetic giggle to come from Bella, and encouraged her to start trying even harder. Once again her lack of experience was clear, and instead of moving with any semblance of grace, her mouth couldn’t do much better than awkwardly and clumsily kissing, licking and occasionally suckling at various spots across both of her breasts. But once again, the lack of experience hardly even seemed to matter. The amount of care Bella put in to every touch and caress of her thin lips, and the way she showed absolute dedication to trying her best despite having no idea what she was doing, was somehow making every moment of this so much more enjoyable. Sid was still relaxed, but she could no longer sit still. Every few moments she had to shift around on the spot, arching her back out or grinding one of her thighs against the other. Kindred had no need to breathe, and yet the tensing and relaxing of her body pushed heavier and heavier breaths through her nostrils as Isabelle’s attempts only grew more involved. She felt that tongue travel up along to her collarbone, and even exploring around the especially sensitive skin of her neck, before moving back down to start from the beginning. She was either a quick learner or something of a natural, and it was really starting to show. Her fingers gripped a little tighter on to Isabelle’s hair, clutching her head closer to her chest, and encouraging her to start getting a little rougher. The Nosferatu seemed hesitant, but soon began testing the waters. She lapped her tongue energetically over the skin, leaving cold trails of saliva wherever it travelled. She started to suckle harder, leaving subtle, but visible marks that trailed across the surface of her chest. Bella even began to gently nip at her with her teeth every now and then, though she made sure to be extra careful with her. She knew from experience that her teeth were sharp. They were practically deadly weapons, but when used with such delicacy, they were able to leave no more than pleasant pinches and pricks, every one of which caused Sid to release anything from a soft, satisfied grunt to a sharp gasp of pleasure. There was a stirring sensation in her body, a rising heat between her thighs that she hadn’t experienced in some time now, and along with it, growing damp patch that soaked through on to her legs. Eventually, her body forced her to speak up, honestly admitting the effect Isabelle was having on her with with a simple, yet heavily charged statement. “F..Fucking hell, Bella..”